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One Minute a Day

  • 365 Days
  • 6 Steps
Everyone in the program will get a badge when the program ends.


Keep Queensland Beautiful has partnered with the Queensland Government to build an army of like-minded, environmentally aware citizens to pledge just one minute a day to a cleaner Sunshine State. Clean Up Australia Day reported that 526,268 volunteers, across 6,165 sites (Australia wide) collected 13,563 tonnes of rubbish during their annual cleanup event in March this year. Imagine all the people who couldn't participate due to other commitments - that's why we've developed One Minute A Day. An easy to achieve goal, right? It's just one minute out of your day. It could be while you are walking to school, exercising, walking the dog or just walking back to your car after work or gym. Pick up what litter you find (you can do more than one minute if you want), take a photo and upload it to your social media account using the hashtag #oneminuteaday and tag @keepqueenslandbeautiful Our State will be cleaner all year long if every resident (and visitor) pledged just one minute of each day to improve their local environment or to reduce litter in the community.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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